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165 items found

Twitter: Redefining Spam?

Twitter has recently been making strides to cut down on spam on the microblogging service. Twitterspam is an interesting phenomenon,...

Mapping Memory: Web Designer as Information Cartographer

My article "Mapping Memory: Web Designer as Information Cartographer," has just been published over at A List Apart, the premier...

Writing for the Web: 5 Guidelines

(I originally posted this on the University of Chicago Law School Electronic Projects Blog; however, I think the principles apply...

Social Networking: Why?

When I discuss my work with friends and family, I inevitably wind up talking about the various social networking sites...

Project Update: New Law School Sites

Last week, the University of Chicago Law School unveiled two new websites, designed and built by yours truly. One is...

What is a Web Professional?

In the title field of pages on my website, you might have noticed me pitching myself with the vaguest of...

The Typographer’s Dilemma

One of the greatest frustrations for those of us working in web design is the incredibly small number of typefaces...

Presentations: Podcasting & New Media

Late last year, along with Renee Basick, the Interim Director of the Chicago Media Iniatives Group, I did a couple...

Come Find The Lost Cartographers At The Empty Bottle

The Lost Cartographers have hit the (kinda, sorta, in our minds at least) big-time. We'll be playing Chicago's legendary Empty...

Bollywood 101

As regular readers of this site know, in a former life I was something of a scholar of Bollywood cinema...