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165 items found
The Serial Effect: Audio Content #casemmw
Notes for "The Serial Effect: Audio-Based Content," presented at the 2015 CASE Multimedia Workshop in Washington, DC on June 19,...
Should You Start a Podcast? Some Stats
I handcoded my first podcast RSS feed roughly a decade ago (I don't remember exactly when we started it, but...
Asana as Editorial Calendar
Back in November, during a discussion session at Confab Higher Ed, I mentioned that at Roosevelt University we had started trying...
Podcast: Take Me to Your Leader
Last week, I recorded an interview for the new Web Leaders EDU podcast with Matt Herzberger of Aligned Path. We talked...
My 2014 Mixtape
Another New Year's Eve has come and gone, but I'm only slightly past due for the posting of my 2014...
What Does the Web Say? #confabEDU edition
I'll be once again presenting "What Does the Web Say? Thinking about Sound on the Internet" at Confab Higher Ed in Atlanta...
Making #heweb14 Sausage (Not a Sandwich)
On Thursday, I returned from the Higher Education Web Professionals Association (or "HighEdWeb" if you're more into the brevity thing)...
“What Does the Web Say?” Redux #heweb14
I'll be presenting "What Does the Web Say? Thinking about Sound on the Internet" at the annual HighEdWeb conference in...
New Beginnings
This post was begun several weeks ago, but I haven’t had time to proof and polish it until now. Better...
Notes for “What Does the Web Say?” #hewebMI
I'll be presenting "What Does the Web Say? Thinking about Sound on the Internet" at HighEdWeb Michigan in Ann Arbor...