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165 items found

Breaking Down #UChiLaw13

(Cross-posted at the University of Chicago Law School Electronic Projects Blog)The Law School has had a robust social media presence...

Higher Ed Live Video Recap of #hewebMI

Instead of my usual post-conference round-up, after last week's HighEdWeb Michigan I had the chance to be on the Higher...

The Dream Org Chart: My #hewebMI Slides

The slides from my #hewebMI talk this afternoon are available for download as Keynote slides and also as a PDF....

Higher Ed Web Org Chart: Separation from the Top

Another quick update on the data from my survey of web departments in the higher ed hierarchy, as I delve...

Higher Ed Web Org Chart: Large Schools

Further breaking down the data the data from my survey of higher ed web organizations, below is a breakdown of...

Quick Thoughts on Kickstarter

Yesterday actor/director Zach Braff made a stir by launching a Kickstarter campaign to raise $2 million to finance a new...

Higher Ed Web Org Chart: Small Schools

Following up on my last post, here are stats specifically for small schools (under 5,000 students, n=45). Stats for larger...

Web in the Higher Ed Org Chart

At next month's HighEdWeb Michigan conference, I'll be presenting a talk titled "The Dream Org Chart," in which I'll examine...

Marshall McLuhan and the Tactile Web

The following is an adaptation to an article form of the presentation I did at HighEdWeb 2012 that I attempted...

Design Lab: Concealed Carry vs. Violent Crime

A few years back, after a one-day class with information-design rock star Edward Tufte, I decided to try my hand...

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