higher ed

40 items found

“What Does the Web Say?” Redux #heweb14

I'll be presenting "What Does the Web Say? Thinking about Sound on the Internet" at the annual HighEdWeb conference in...

New Beginnings

This post was begun several weeks ago, but I haven’t had time to proof and polish it until now. Better...

Notes for “What Does the Web Say?” #hewebMI

I'll be presenting "What Does the Web Say? Thinking about Sound on the Internet" at HighEdWeb Michigan in Ann Arbor...

Higher Ed Web vs. the Academy

This month marks eight years since I made the decision to withdraw from a PhD program at the University of...

Pressing Rewind on UChicagoLaw’s Audio

Cross-posted on the University of Chicago Law School Electronic Projects Blog.This week we launched an overhaul of how audio is...

A #ConfabEDU Wrap-up

I just returned from the first ever Confab Higher Ed, in Atlanta. I’ve been to a number of conferences over...

The Law School’s YouTube Channel

Cross-posted at the University of Chicago Law School Electronic Projects Blog.Sometimes, when choosing social and software platforms, one chooses... poorly....

Breaking Down #UChiLaw13

(Cross-posted at the University of Chicago Law School Electronic Projects Blog)The Law School has had a robust social media presence...

Higher Ed Live Video Recap of #hewebMI

Instead of my usual post-conference round-up, after last week's HighEdWeb Michigan I had the chance to be on the Higher...

The Dream Org Chart: My #hewebMI Slides

The slides from my #hewebMI talk this afternoon are available for download as Keynote slides and also as a PDF....