12 items found
Should You Start a Podcast? Some Stats
I handcoded my first podcast RSS feed roughly a decade ago (I don't remember exactly when we started it, but...
Podcast: Take Me to Your Leader
Last week, I recorded an interview for the new Web Leaders EDU podcast with Matt Herzberger of Aligned Path. We talked...
In Which I Land on Boagworld
This past week's episode of Boagworld featured yours truly doing an audio version of my review of Prezi.com (originally featured...
Presentations: Podcasting & New Media
Late last year, along with Renee Basick, the Interim Director of the Chicago Media Iniatives Group, I did a couple...
Actually, Make That 30 Seconds of Fame
A couple of weeks ago, I posted about being mentioned on one of favorite podcasts, Freelance Radio. Well, I am...
Designing With Your Ears
On a recent episode of Design Matters, Petrula Vrontikis said something that, well, made my ears perk up. When host...