
19 items found

Top Tasks in Higher Ed

The post below is condensed from a presentation I gave at Confab Higher Ed in November, 2017. Most of the...

Press Play: Resources

Tomorrow I’ll be giving a couple of presentations at the CASE Multimedia Workshop. One will be a reprise of last...

The Serial Effect: Audio Content #casemmw

Notes for "The Serial Effect: Audio-Based Content," presented at the 2015 CASE Multimedia Workshop in Washington, DC on June 19,...

What Does the Web Say? #confabEDU edition

I'll be once again presenting "What Does the Web Say? Thinking about Sound on the Internet" at Confab Higher Ed in Atlanta...

“What Does the Web Say?” Redux #heweb14

I'll be presenting "What Does the Web Say? Thinking about Sound on the Internet" at the annual HighEdWeb conference in...

Notes for “What Does the Web Say?” #hewebMI

I'll be presenting "What Does the Web Say? Thinking about Sound on the Internet" at HighEdWeb Michigan in Ann Arbor...

The Dream Org Chart: My #hewebMI Slides

The slides from my #hewebMI talk this afternoon are available for download as Keynote slides and also as a PDF....

Higher Ed Web Org Chart: Separation from the Top

Another quick update on the data from my survey of web departments in the higher ed hierarchy, as I delve...

Higher Ed Web Org Chart: Large Schools

Further breaking down the data the data from my survey of higher ed web organizations, below is a breakdown of...

Higher Ed Web Org Chart: Small Schools

Following up on my last post, here are stats specifically for small schools (under 5,000 students, n=45). Stats for larger...