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165 items found

Project Update: The Law School Twitter Feed

The Law School now has its very own Twitter account, which can alert you to newly added content from everything...

“Mapping Memory” Finds a New Audience

My A List Apart article "Mapping Memory" has been republished on the Taxi Design Network, in its "The Driver Speaks"...

TweetChicago: Behind the Scenes

Last month the Law School announced its TweetChicago page, which collects together an ever-increasing number of our faculty and students'...

Concert Review: The Decemberists

No band I've ever seen has more fun on stage than the Decemberists. I've seen them four or five times...

An Event Apart Chicago, Day 2: The Two-Weeks-Later Wrap-up

Wow. It's already been two weeks since AEA Chicago, and I'm just now finding some time to sit down and...

An Event Apart Chicago, Day 1: The Ten-Minute Wrap-up

Just got back from Day One of An Event Apart Chicago. I've got a bunch of client and personal work...

Esta un Perdedor: Beck at the Aragon (10/2)

(Last Friday I published a review of the 10/2 Beck show on the Lost Cartographers' blog -- figured I'd cross-post...

Contest: “Walk On” Album Cover

Over on the Lost Cartographers' new blog, I've posted four potential album cover designs for our debut CD, "Walk On."...

Project Update: Forward Alliance

I recently wrapped up a site design for Forward Alliance, a life coaching and psychotherapy practice run by Ioanna Chaney....

Found in Translation

My A List Apart article has been translated into Italian by Federico Melosi, an Information and Communications Technology Trainer at...