social media

20 items found

Pressing Rewind on UChicagoLaw’s Audio

Cross-posted on the University of Chicago Law School Electronic Projects Blog.This week we launched an overhaul of how audio is...

The Law School’s YouTube Channel

Cross-posted at the University of Chicago Law School Electronic Projects Blog.Sometimes, when choosing social and software platforms, one chooses... poorly....

Breaking Down #UChiLaw13

(Cross-posted at the University of Chicago Law School Electronic Projects Blog)The Law School has had a robust social media presence...

Law School Project: 2012 Faculty Reading

In the course of my day job I don't design a lot of websites from whole cloth, but one exception...

Is Facebook Holding Pages for Ransom?

Back in September, there was some grumbling in the higher ed social media community (as well as elsewhere) about sudden...

Redesign: TweetChicago

I've blogged before about a project at the University of Chicago Law School that we call TweetChicago; it's a page...

Is a Niche Social Network Right for Your School?

My article, "Is a Niche Social Network Right for Your School?" has been published over at Link: The Journal of...

How to Do Social Media Right (and Wrong)

(You might notice that this post looks a bit a different than usual -- it was prepared with a new...

Law School Project: Faculty Reading 2010

Each year since 2008, the Law School has compiled a list of reading recommendations from its faculty members as a...

Tracking the Law School’s Social Media

(cross-posted at The University of Chicago Law School's Electronic Projects Blog)I recently spent some time immersed in Google Analytics, trying...