higher ed
40 items found
No More Webmasters: Building an Ideal Higher Ed Web Team
So you’re a higher ed manager who’s just been handed the keys to your institution’s website. Congratulations… and condolences. Chances...
Top Tasks in Higher Ed
The post below is condensed from a presentation I gave at Confab Higher Ed in November, 2017. Most of the...
#heweb16: a reflection
I just returned from the annual conference of the Higher Education Web Professionals Association, held this year in Memphis. It...
Press Play: Resources
Tomorrow I’ll be giving a couple of presentations at the CASE Multimedia Workshop. One will be a reprise of last...
#heweb15 or bust
This coming week, I’ll be attending the Annual Conference of the Higher Education Web Professionals’ Association (aka HighEdWeb) in Milwaukee....
Higher Ed: Professionalize Web Content
(cross-posted on Medium)Back in Ye Olden Days of higher ed websites, they were usually relatively simple affairs. Someone (almost always...
The Serial Effect: Audio Content #casemmw
Notes for "The Serial Effect: Audio-Based Content," presented at the 2015 CASE Multimedia Workshop in Washington, DC on June 19,...
Podcast: Take Me to Your Leader
Last week, I recorded an interview for the new Web Leaders EDU podcast with Matt Herzberger of Aligned Path. We talked...
What Does the Web Say? #confabEDU edition
I'll be once again presenting "What Does the Web Say? Thinking about Sound on the Internet" at Confab Higher Ed in Atlanta...
Making #heweb14 Sausage (Not a Sandwich)
On Thursday, I returned from the Higher Education Web Professionals Association (or "HighEdWeb" if you're more into the brevity thing)...